Supporters Association

Partner Companies Jobs Learning Space




Job offers

Support for school and training

The Support Association

who we are

Mobility is one of the key economic factors in and for our society, in crafts, industry, trade, administration and services. The OSZ Automotive Technology Berlin covers mobility on two and four wheels in almost all facets of its courses on three pillars: training qualification, training and study qualification.

The support association supports the OSZ as a teaching and learning space. It promotes the qualified and committed teaching of specialist theoretical and general knowledge and skills as well as the competent and responsible use of the skills acquired in the students' future workplace.

The Association for the Promotion of the Upper School Centre for Automotive Technology is a member of the State Association of School Support Associations Berlin-Brandenburg (lsfb).

What we want

We are committed to charitable causes around our school through support and promotion

    of our students on specialist excursions, school trips to promote togetherness, the purchase of additional teaching and learning materials for lessons, voluntary projects, etc., sporting activities with a focus on mobility on two and four wheels, partnerships with domestic and foreign schools, training, further education and continuing education institutions, participation in the design of the OSZ as a learning and living space for students, especially in the common areas accessible to everyone, events in our meeting, conference and training rooms for non-profit purposes, e.g. to promote discussion, strategy development, exchange of teaching and learning experiences with a view to a successful network for the OSZ in society, business, science and technology

contact person

Brita Beuchler 1st Chairwoman

Tel 030 90189-3309

club register

District Court Berlin-CharlottenburgVR 17228 NZ



Declaration of accession (person)

Declaration of accession (company)

Application for funding

Would you like to donate?

Deutsche Bank

IBAN: DE75 1007 0024 0328 1847 00


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